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In Australia governesses supervise lessons provided by various schools of distance education.  Often our work places are in isolated regions, on pastoral stations.  Each day a governess heads to the ‘schoolroom’, which could be a caravan, cottage or a boat, to supervise the children.  Govies are a unique part of remote Australia.

Governess Australia was an initiative of three different School of the Air governess groups from around Australia.  We aim to network Govies across Australia, to gain recognition and unity.

Governess Australia is dedicated to supporting families, governesses and childcare workers in the Australian Outback. Governess Australia's JobBoard offers an employment advertising service, the Schoolhouse gives advice and links to help in your profession and the Grapevine provides a social network for living in the outback.  There are many other parts which help support and network the Distance Education and rural community.


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