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My Schoolroom Setup ... Part A

A snapshot into what Miss Governess Australia’s schoolroom looks like.

There are many reason why I setup a schoolroom and this page goes into reasons.  This is my 2009 to 2011 schoolroom and one of my favourites over three years I had so many version some of which I will show in photos below.  This is how it was in February 2010. 

After nearly 13 years I have gather ideas from teachers, VISE, governesses and teaching mothers.  All professionals in their own right.

I have tried to put as much information as possible on each slide and could have type a whole lot more if I had the space. 

f you want more information or to swap ideas send a word document with your photos and email them to govaust@governessaustralia.com

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I have discovered over the years of governessing all children need similar things around them in schoolrooms and I always set my  posters and classroom up in a way that would have wall charts and desk setups suitable from beginning to end of primary school.  If you look on the photo’s of my schoolrooms on Governess Australia you will notice many similarities with schoolroom set up methods.  This is despite the various layout’s and shapes of each schoolroom.

Similarities  in my schoolroom setups


There is always a Literacy, Maths and Other Wall chart areas.  Keeping things in separate areas means when children are doing different subjects and need help they can look straight that area then search for the poster they need.


You will notice not much past schoolwork or awards on my walls as I have discovered displayed work doesn’t aid their learning but learning posters do.  It is much better to display old schoolwork on the fridge or corkboard at the house where more people can see it for them to brag to.  I do display work as we finish it before we send it in and I usually in my current schoolroom use the big window or door to display the current topics schoolwork.  Old work is a great confidence booster when it is just completed but after you send it in they are only interested in stickers and awards which I put in a folder with the piece of work.  Praise and Reward are also the best confidence booster you can use.  Of course this maybe different in a 2 roomed schoolroom.  In the 2nd room you could have an area for displayed work.  I new a supervising mother who over the course of the childrens schooling put all their art posters on the ceiling so by the end of their schooling it was a collage from Kindy to Year 6/7.  Great idea if you can use thumb tacks as nothing else will stay up that long.

Each child has there own personal space at their desk which they are responsible for clean around and underneath.  I also make a point when working with them to not go into that space with a chair or make them feel crowded there.

Each child has their own work on their desks.  Each Monday on my desk I have all the kids work and hand it to them in subjects giving a brief mention of the topic of learning for literacy and
Maths subjects.  They take each subject and put it away as I give it to them.  This makes them more independence and responsible for their work.  This also works in conjunction with my work planner which I print out for the students each week.  More information about that will be with the work planner.

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Both children are facing the literacy wall charts as that is what they need the most support with.  When wrIting all they need to do is look up and an array of sound charts are there to help.STUDENT END




Students needs personal space to become independent and responsible.  His work is in easy reach as is his drawers which store special items and spare pencils, etc.  Just above his head you can see a board which goes around the schoolroom.  On the wall to his left above this board is the maths charts which are group into parts of maths.




Alphabet chart with pictures are contacted onto his desk.  It shows both lower and uppercase lettering.  Behind him on the wall are Grammar Charts and Southern Hemisphere Calendar charts.



The big cupboard is the craft storage cupboard which is currently a mess so there will be no neat inside photo’s.  In it is all sorts of Junk, crafty stuff, paper, etc.


Clear labeling is important as well as pictures to help.  Keep Maths stuff together.  These are great because you can take each tub and put on your desk while you need them.  Certainly helps keep the place clean




Everything is colour coordinated.  Verbs, Verbs-saying and doing, and Adverbs all orange and yellow.  Shades of green for Pronouns, Nouns-Proper nouns, and Nouns.  Also I have Conjunctions, prepositions, adjectives and and example of them in everyday sentences.  Even before the kids understand these charts I still refer to them so when they can read they will be able to find them.  On another note the kids didn't care that these weren't "pretty" with various eye and learning issues the speech therapist recommend simple versions on coloured paper.

grammar charts


One of the best charts I have research and created.  With all the possible information need for primary school.  The kids also use it to spell the days and months.



3D and 2D shapes most prominent in this classroom as that is what they need the most support on.  To the right side is numbers with spelling, ordinal numbers with spelling, maths language chart with symbols – x,etc. and a maths places chart with spelling.



The 3 rows of sound charts at the bottom I have spent years creating and intend to publish and sell them in the future.  I have put much research into them and after teaching in 3 states I fitted them to all education systems.  At the top is a punctuation charts, alphabet basics, and a homonyms chart which explains heteronyms, homophones and homographs.   



This end of the room is designed to be the ultimate teaching area.  The kids can sit this side the desk and work while I use the whiteboard to teach or just sit the opposite side.  The computer screen can also be turned to face them.  There is also enough room for me to sit at the white desk while they are on the computer.  I generally sit/stand in the L shape and the kids bring their work to me.  This gives them an opportunity to move and refresh while working.  I am also really strict on having a go first.



Another alphabet chart is above whiteboard and a number chart with spelling and array is below.  The bean bag is the most important feature of our classroom.  Comfort in reading time is important to help foster a love of it.  The bike pictures is an corner for there interests.  The maps are easy to look at when on the floor.  The space above the bikes is for theme learning.  The charts around the whiteboard are school song, school warcry, national anthem, and I have now put up the sports house war cries.  I hadn’t laminated when these photo’s were taken.



The big supervisor cupboard has new and old work, set bags, super help and all those other bits the kids don’t need continuous access to. The red cupboard is all the paint gear from tea towels to containers.  On the Supers cupboard is the special purple hat for extra brilliant work and effort.  It is handed out only a couple times a term and is your for 24 hours. 




Resting in the beanbag telling the kids to leave me along I am sleeping.  Enjoy your schoolroom and have fun.