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Behaviour Management

There are many areas covered on the Behavour Management page; rules, responsibilities, behavouir and positive resinforcement.  It includes some of the things I have collected over the years.  It is a hard area to approach and I am always available on email for confidential chats. including rules & praise ideas

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Different Strokes for different folks.

This is an area where experimenting is the key.  Some children you can use the same strategy continuously others need to have change.  Have a look at some of the ideas.

When the child gets frustrated or are not listening lately I have been making them stand with their nose against the wall.  It must be quiet, still and every time he moves it is another minute.  I also go and do something else to breathe again.  I sometimes give a very down to each I am so disappointed lecture.

We don’t have a Punishment chart we have a rewards chart

For good behavior the rewards are

  •    Being able to choose what activities you do and when.

  •    Being able to have 10 minutes on the computer.

  •    Being able to use the camera.

  •    Being able to have beanbag reading time.

  •    Being able to cook tea with Miss Lee-Anne.

  •  Being able to listen to music.

If your behaviour standard drops then you will not be able to make some of these choices.


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Responsibilites not rules

I work my schoolroom with a responsibilities chart not Classroom Rules.  I make one for everyone in the classroom including myself.  That way the children can clearly read what we all have to do and it doesn't just seem like they do everything.


Below is a list of what you are responsible for each day.

  • Walking around the classroom sensibly

  • For using manners when talking.

  • Concentrating on your schoolwork.

  • Changing the date on the calendar each day.           

  • Organising your air lesson materials or asking Miss Lee-Anne to help.

  • Cleaning your desk and the floor around it at the end of the school day.

  • Being on time for school or sending a message with RJ saying why you’ll be late.

  • For completing the schoolwork for the day.

  • For listening to your air lesson and doing the activities set.

  • For writing a story once a fortnight.

  • For having a go at all the activities

  • For concentrating on your activity no matter what RJ’s doing.

  • Checking your emails while RJ’s air lesson is on.

  • To learning the school song by the end of term. 


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50 Opportunitiesto say you're terrific


Copy these into WORD and Print them out and put on your schoolroom wall

Praise students for:

  1. entering the classroom quietly

  2. putting away coat and backpack

  3. cooperating while supervisor listens to assembly or messages

  4. transitioning into an activity

  5. following directions

  6. saying "please," and "thank you"

  7. listening attentively

  8. helping a someone else in the classroom

  9. being a good audience at an assembly

  10. beginning work right away

  11. asking questions when unsure

  12. good behavior during a test

  13. participating in a class discussion

  14. walking appropriately in the school areas

  15. working cooperatively with a partner

  16. good behavior during a school events

  17. cleaning up and packing away

  18. good effort on an assignment

  19. assisting younger students in the classroom

  20. sharing school experiences with parents

  21. making up missed assignments\

  22. making a new friend on lesson and at school events

  23. good effort on a long-term project

  24. sharing

  25. being sensitive to others' feelings

  26. learning a new skill

  27. appropriate use of school property

  28.  returning borrowed books and materials

  29. showing enthusiasm

  30. being responsible for a classroom job

  31. offering help without being asked

  32. not wasting paper and supplies

  33. staying on task

  34. telling the truth

  35. accepting a new challenge

  36. behaving when a guest is in the room

  37. reading at home

  38. participating in school functions

  39. demonstrating a positive attitude

  40. giving one's best effort

  41. returning from the yard quietly

  42. participating in a group activity

  43. remaining calm during a problem situation

  44. showing creativity

  45. keeping busy when work is finished

  46. taking turns

  47. working cooperatively with an aide or volunteer

  48. .

  49. .

  50. .  What others can you think of ??

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